Meet 'n Greet
SNCAE hosted a "meet 'n greet" open to all students interested in majoring or minoring in education. Freshman students could connect with upperclass mentors and get to know some of their fellow classmates with an interest in teacher education.
Back-to-School Challenge
SNCAE members participated in a back-to-school backpack Instagram challenge during the first club meeting of the academic year.
Caveman Rock and Joust
SNCAE members hosted a campus wide homecoming event. A gladiator joust, lip sync and costume contests were the highlights of this event in which members of the student body participated.
SNCAE Pinning Ceremony
Students admitted to Teacher Education during the junior year are pinned at a special ceremony to commemorate their official entry into the profession of teaching.
Halloween FunFest
Each year, students gather in the Fulton Heights neighborhood to help with their Halloween Festival. Children and families gather for face painting, costume judging, and a parade of the costumed children. Students also collect canned goods from local neighborhoods at this time for donation to Rowan Helping Ministries.
Cookies Around the World
Each November, SNCAE sponsors Cookies Around the World where students make posters and cookies from a variety of locales around the globe then share their newfound expertise with students from across campus as they taste treats from different cultures.
Other Past Activities
- Back-to-School Backpack Instagram Challenge
- Read-A-Thon at Salisbury Housing Authority sponsored through Communities in Schools
- Valentine's Day Carnation Fundraiser
- Catawba Cooks Cookbook Fundraiser
- Sponsored "Movie Night" for all students
- T-Shirt/Sweatshirt Fundraiser
- Joint meeting with Livingstone College SNCAE
- Fall Festival at Nazareth Children's Home
- Book Drive in celebration of Dr. Seuss' 100th birthday for donation to Nazareth Children's Home and the Battered Women's Shelter
- Sponsored trips to Lazy Five Ranch and Tanglewood's Festival of Lights
- Homecoming Parade
- Earth Day Celebration