Alumni Story
Samantha Maria Gates Reese '20

Samantha Maria Gates Reese '20
Community beyond Graduation
Hometown: Gibsonville, North Carolina
Major: Sociology
Minor: Business Administration & Psychology
Extracurricular: Honors Council – Events Coordinator, former RA, Honors Program Member
Some of my favorite places on campus were the Honors Lounge, Student Affairs Offices (I worked as an RA & in Wellness Promotion so lots of time was spent there making connections and working on various events), and I always loved the library.
My main interests include reading and staying up to date on current events that impact women. And my hobbies include traveling and helping with costumes at my local community theatre, Studio 1 in Burlington, NC.
When Samantha first visited the Catawba campus:
It felt like I imagined college would be - a tight knit community of learners where I would be more than just another number or another random face.”
That sense of community continued beyond graduation, she adds, as a group of good friends made at Catawba now meet monthly, although scattered geographically.
Samantha shares the reason she chose to major in sociology, “It was the subject that finally helped me make sense of the world.”
She credits sociology with giving her “the skills to analyze and see the world through the lens of others,” and the faculty in the department with helping her understand sociology’s real-world applications. “It’s helped me be a better advocate for people and to better view the systems at play in people’s lives.” She minored in business administration and psychology and finds both prove helpful in her career.
Currently a full-time client recruiter for Kelly Services and enrolled in an MBA program, Samantha urges current students and alumni to take advantage of the resume preparation assistance offered by Career Services. “Bad resumes! I’ve seen so many!” she laughingly groans, emphasizing that properly prepared resumes stand out in her role as a recruiter. “As someone who sees a lot of resumes, you can tell.”
If she could do her Catawba experience over, there is one thing she would do differently: branch out and take more courses outside of her major. Her tip for current and prospective students is to take advantage of all the free or low-cost opportunities available during college including extracurricular classes, trips, plays, concerts, and more. “Try all kinds of things!”, she adds, noting that a lot of them will cost money to try elsewhere after graduation. “After all,” she calls to mind something Catawba dance instructor Amanda Diorio said which still resonates with her, “‘There’s no growth in a comfort zone!’”