Student Story
Heidi Mueller ‘21 & ‘23

Heidi Mueller ‘21 & ‘23
Finding the Right Fit
Hometown: Waxhaw, NC
Major(s): Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with concentration in General Management; Master of Sport Management
Minor(s): Accounting, Psychology
Graduation Years: ’21 & ‘23
Undergrad-Cheerleading, track and field, FCA, campus post office work study, sports performance work study, Psi Chi, NSLS, honors program, supplemental instructor, ALPHA orientation leader, Student affairs office, Ripken Experience, Charlotte Knights Promotions team seasonal job, Food Lion employee, intern at Davidson College Ticket Office (became full-time in August 2022)
lifting weights, dogs (especially my dog Salem), watching sports, being outside
If I hadn’t gone to Catawba at all, I can guarantee I would not be where, or who I am today.”
Heidi Mueller decided to stay at Catawba to get her graduate degree after getting her undergraduate in 2021. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in General Management and a double minor in Accounting and Psychology. Currently, Heidi is working toward a Master’s degree in Sport Management.
When asked how she heard about Catawba, Heidi said, “I originally heard about Catawba in high school when a couple people before me decided to come here. What put Catawba on my radar, though, was the cheerleading coach who invited me to try out for the team. That opportunity drove me to visit Catawba and seriously consider it as an option. I came to campus for a tour and loved everything about it. I loved the feel of the campus and everyone was so warm and welcoming, I hadn’t gotten that feeling anywhere else. I then came back to campus for cheer tryouts and again for a scholarship competition, and the more time I spent up here and the more people I met I realized this was the place for me. This was also the only school that gave me the opportunity to get a great education and continue to cheer so it would’ve been nearly impossible to turn down.”
“What I love about Catawba is how small and personal it is,” Heidi continued. “I really wanted to go somewhere that didn’t make me feel like a big fish in a small pond and that’s what I found here. I wanted to be able to know the people around me, whether professors or students, and be able to talk to the when I saw them. Catawba offered me just that, and I’ve built great relationships with my professors and made friends that I’ll have for a lifetime.”
“Catawba provided me with so many opportunities that I couldn’t have gotten anywhere else and I’ll be forever grateful for that. I never thought I’d go to graduate school, let alone at the same place I did undergraduate, but when you’ve found the right fit why mess it up?”