Alcohol and Drug Use Policy


The purchase or possession of beer, wine, liquor or mixed beverages by a person less than 21 years old is illegal in the state of North Carolina. It is also illegal to sell beer, wine, liquor or mixed beverages to those less than 21 years old or to aid and abet a person less than 21 years old in obtaining alcoholic beverages. It is illegal to use a fraudulent ID or to permit the use of one’s ID by a person less than 21 years old to purchase alcoholic beverages. It is illegal to give alcoholic beverages to an intoxicated person.

Driving with any amount of alcohol in the body is illegal for anyone under 21; driving with a blood alcohol concentration of .08%, “Driving While Impaired,” carries a range of sentences and fines and may result in a suspended license. A person can be charged with “Driving While Impaired” with blood alcohol concentrations under .08% if police observe erratic driving. And, if you become disruptive in public (violent, insulting, using profanity, urinating, etc.) as a result of being drunk, you can be fined and spend time in jail.

Criminal Penalties for alcohol offenses range in seriousness from a significant fine to imprisonment or both. Penalties vary depending on the age of the offender and the nature of the offense. A criminal record (misdemeanor or felony) may preclude admission to graduate or professional schools, professional licensure and certification or security clearance of certain professions and positions.



Alcohol: any spirituous malt, fermented, brewed or other liquors or any other mixture that contains alcohol and is used as a beverage

Common Area: any campus area outside of a student’s residence hall room

Common Source Container: any keg, mixed punch or other communal dispensers from which a quantity of beverage is distributed to more than one person

Container: any cup, can, bottle or other device that may be used to hold (whether opened or unopened) an alcoholic beverage

Controlled Substances: include, but are not limited to, substances that are prescribed by a physician that are being distributed to others even though the distributor may have a prescription from a physician for that particular controlled substance.

Distribution/The Sale of/Intent to Sell: any amount of illegal drugs, narcotics or controlled sub- stances with the intention to supply another person either through financial, trade or other means

Drinking Games/Drinking Devices: any possession or participation in gaming or challenge activities used to promote the consumption of alcohol. Drinking devices include but are not limited to funnels, beer pong tables, etc.

False Identification: any document with information that contradicts the legal name, birth date or other personal information

Illegal Drugs: any non-prescribed narcotic, mind-altering, hallucinogenic or illicit illegal drug as defined by state and federal laws.

Paraphernalia: equipment, products and materials of any kind that are used to facilitate violations of the Controlled Substance Act, including planting, growing, harvesting, producing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, repackaging, storing, containing and concealing controlled substances and injecting, ingesting, inhaling or otherwise introducing controlled substances into the human body.

Possession: to include the transportation, carrying on person, within immediate proximity or storage of alcohol, drugs or other paraphernalia.

Substance Abuse: includes, but is not limited to the following behaviors:

  • The use of illegal drugs
  • The use of prescription drugs in your name in a manner inconsistent with prescribed dosage instructions
  • The use of prescription drugs not clearly prescribed in your name in a manner inconsistent with prescribed dosage instructions and substances contrary to the manufacturer’s directions for purpose of altering one’s mental or physical state.
  • Consumption of alcohol in an abusive manner including, but not limited to, the following behaviors in the College Guideline for Alcohol Policy Violation Sanctions: underage consumption of alcohol, intoxication, or public drunkenness, participation in drinking games, and/or use of drinking devices.

Substance Free Residence Halls: a residence hall that has been designated free from the consumption, possession or use of alcohol. These halls are: Hollifield Hall, Salisbury-Rowan Hall, Heath Hill, Lamb House, W Innes, Ruth Richards, and Woodson Hall.


  1. The following regulations are based on the Alcohol Beverage Control laws of North Carolina and on the College’s intent to encourage moderation if alcohol is consumed.
  2. Students under the age of 21 may not purchase, possess or consume any alcoholic
  3. Students over the age of 21 may consume legal alcoholic beverages only in the privacy of residence hall rooms where at least one resident is 21. Residence hall areas such as entrances, lobbies and hallways are considered to be public areas and, therefore, alcoholic beverages may not be consumed and/or displayed in these
  4. Alcohol containers, whether empty or full, may not be displayed in public areas, to include window sills and other areas in private residence rooms that may be observed from outside. Public areas include residence hall entrances, lobbies and hallways, as well as non-residence buildings on campus and the campus grounds. Possession of alcohol containers, even though they are empty, may not be in rooms where the occupants are under the age of twenty-one (21). In addition, students residing in a room where both residents are under the age of twenty-one may not host an of age student possessing or consuming an alcoholic
    1. Alcohol may not be dispensed or consumed during any student social *
    2. College funds may not, under any circumstances, be used for the purchase of alcoholic beverages to be dispensed or consumed at any student social function on or off
    3. Kegs or any other common source containers of alcohol are strictly prohibited on campus for student consumption.
    4. The consumption or display of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in all areas except those specifically approved by the Office of the Dean of Students.
    5. Student organizations may not sponsor or co-sponsor a function cooperatively with any alcoholic beverage distributor or brewing company, nor lend its name to any such activity at which an alcoholic beverage is to be dispensed as a promotion for a brewing company or alcohol distributor.

International Alcohol Policy Exemption

Students traveling internationally are subject to Catawba College’s student conduct code procedures for conduct code violation and including, but not limited, violation of the College’s alcohol policy. Alcohol may be consumed by a student on Catawba College sponsored trips only if a student has reached the legal drinking age in the visiting country. Further, of-age (in the visiting country) alcohol consumption by students during Catawba College sponsored trips is permitted at the discretion of the faculty and/or staff supervisor(s). Students will be responsible for their behavior when traveling internationally, and can be found in violation of Student Conduct Code.



Distribution, possession or consumption of alcohol beverages, including public drunkenness, at student organization events are in violation of the College’s alcohol policy. In addition to individual students being charged with a violation of the College alcohol policy, student organizations and groups are also responsible for and subject to meeting all regulations governing their charter or sponsorship. This includes all student organizations, clubs, and athletic teams.


In addition to the policies listed here, student athletes are also accountable for the policies as listed in the Student Athlete Alcohol and Drug Policy distributed by the Athletic Department. Athletes will receive a copy of the Student Athlete Alcohol and Drug Policy from the Athletic Department. Student athletes are encouraged to speak with their coaches or the Athletic Director for more information about this policy. This policy is meant to supplement the Code of Student Conduct and offer additional educational opportunities on an individual basis. Student Athletes who fail drug tests will also be subject to conduct action in addition to sanctions received by the Athletic Department.


The Administration of Catawba College believes that the greatest opportunity for social and academic success exists when all members of the College community work together as a team. Therefore, College administrators reserve the right to notify and inform other College personnel who may have a significant relationship to a student of matters arising under the Student Conduct Code. Other personnel who may be notified include student advisors, professors, the Athletic Director, coaches and/or other College administrators. The College further reserves the right to notify parents of students found to be in violation of the College policies regarding the possession or use of alcohol and other drugs. If a member of a College athletic team is issued a violation of the Alcohol or Drug Policy, the Athletic Director and/or coaches will also be notified.


Violations of the College Alcohol Policy are sanctioned on two levels.

Level 1: General violations of the College Alcohol Policy, including but not limited to the following:

  1. Underage consumption or possession of alcohol;
  2. Consumption or possession of alcohol in a substance free residence hall;
  3. Consumption of alcohol in a public area;
  4. Intoxication or public drunkenness;
  5. Presence of alcohol containers, both open and unopened, in an under-aged student’s room;
  6. Participation in drinking games/possession (Unless under age of 21)
  7. Possession or use of drinking

Level 2: Violations of the College Alcohol Policy related to more serious or harmful behavior, including but not limited to the following:

  1. Causing harm to oneself, others or damage to College property;
  2. Engaging in physical violence or vandalism;
  3. Participation in drinking games (under age of 21)
  4. Showing disrespect to a College employee;
  5. Providing or distributing alcohol to an underage person;
  6. Illegally operating a vehicle after having consumed alcohol;
  7. Use of false identification to purchase or gain access to an establishment at which alcohol is served;
  8. Possession of a common source

Level 2 violations are of a more serious nature and a violation will therefore carry a two- offense penalty. Students who are issued a Level 2 alcohol violation will be responsible for the next two offenses as listed in the sanctioning schedule. The violation will count as two offenses in determining the student’s scheduled sanction.

The College reserves the right to issue an alcohol violation based on information received from outside agencies such as law enforcement officers or other colleges. Students should also review the “Jurisdiction of the College Student Code (Article III.A) and Violation of Law and College Discipline (Article III.C of the Student Conduct Code) for further information.

The Student Affairs Office is charged with the enforcement of all College policies. The following sanctions will be assessed when students accept responsibility or are found responsible for a violation of the College alcohol policy. Any sanction may be accompanied by a required educational component. Additional sanctions beyond the stated sanctions listed in the schedule (either by Administrator or Conduct Board) as this happens depending on the severity of the case.


* Athletic Tailgating Policy as Applied to Alcohol Consumption

Tailgaters must be respectful of those around them and mindful that students are subject to policies in the Student Handbook. Everyone else is subject to rules and regulations of the State of North Carolina, the City of Salisbury, Catawba College and the Catawba College Athletic Department.



Alcohol Education Option: Formal Written Warning

The Alcohol Education Option is available once to students with no prior alcohol or drug violations. Students must complete the Alcohol Education Option within 30 days of selecting the option. If a student fails to complete the requirements of the Alcohol Education Option, the Catawba College Conduct Director will notify the student is not in good standing and further sanctions will ensue. Completion of the Alcohol Education Option will be noted in the student’s record maintained within the Student Affairs office. The charge against the student will be rescinded after one full year if no further substance abuse violations occur. Requirements of the Alcohol Education Option:

  1. Education: The student will be required to complete an alcohol educational workshop addressing the issue of alcohol use and abuse. This workshop is conducted by the Alcohol and Substance Abuse Coordinator in Student Affairs. BASICS (Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students) – The BASICS program consists of one15 minute Intake, then two one-hour one-on-one sessions with a staff member. During these sessions, students will complete alcohol drug assessments, discuss their history of substance use, analyze their current use, and review alcohol and drug information. The initial fifteen (15) minute Intake appointment is at no charge: however, students who are required to complete BASICS will be required to pay the fee ($100.00) for the program,
  2. Fine: A $100.00 fine must be paid to Catawba College which will be used to fund educational speakers, programs, services, and supplies to address the challenge of alcohol or drug use and abuse
  3. A letter will be sent to the parent(s) or guardian(s) of the student notifying them of the election to complete the Alcohol Education Option in response to a charge of the student violating the general provisions of the Alcohol Policy.

Second Offense or First after Clemency:      
$125.00 fine, Parental Notification, 10 Hours Community Service and completion of an Online Education Class ($50.00 fee).

Third Offense:
$175 Fine, Parental Notification, 20 Hours Community Service and Substance Abuse Assessment with Counseling Services staff ($50.00 fee).

Fourth Offense: Suspension

 * The Online Education Component will be added to all new sanctions for students who are issued an alcohol violation passed their first and have not completed the Online Education Component.

** In regards to all alcohol and drug violations that would result, by our sanction schedule, in suspension, the Dean of Students or his or her designee will have the ability to review and revise the final outcome based on the situation

*** All fines will be placed in the Substance Abuse programming account.

Amnesty Clause

Catawba College wants to prevent any tragedy from occurring due to alcohol or drug abuse. Therefore, when a student dials 911, contacts an RA or Public Safety to seek medical help for another student who is intoxicated, that individual will not be subject to judicial record. Although student(s) will have to complete an educational component and the victim may be mandated for substance abuse evaluation and counseling, neither will receive violations. This educational component will allow the student to learn more about drug and alcohol abuse to help prevent future incidents. The assessment of the victim will allow for physical and mental evaluations and treatments as needed. The incident will go into their file and only be activated if a second incident occurs, or if the educational sanctions are not completed.



Catawba College is an academic community that believes that the life of the mind is intrinsically alluring and worthy of pursuit. The abuse of drugs seriously runs counter to that deeply held value and is clearly detrimental to the individual’s welfare. Thus, consistent with the beliefs and purposes of this institution, the use of any drugs in the College community must be within the limits of federal and state laws. This policy extends beyond campus. Admission of drug use off campus is considered subject to conduct charges.

The College reminds students of their responsibility to be aware of and to obey those federal and state statutes that prohibit the use of various drugs. While the College is not specifically responsible for the enforcement of federal and state drug laws, those agencies charged with this legal responsibility have the authority to carry out their duties on the campus. The College cannot, nor does it wish to, provide a haven for illegal drug activity. Thus, individuals who illegally possess, use or supply prohibited drugs within the academic community risk action by the appropriate civil authorities and consequent penalty. The College reserves the right (III.3 of Conduct Code) to report criminal activity to authorities.

In addition, there is considerable evidence that prolonged use of such drugs can be harmful to the individual’s psychological or physical health. Students whose use of drugs results in academic difficulties or psychological/ physical health problems will be advised to seek professional assistance and may be required to withdraw from the College until a professional rehabilitation program, which is not available at the College currently, is completed.

College Drug Regulations

The use, possession, distribution, or sale of any illegal drug or controlled substance for which the student does not possess a prescription from a physician is strictly forbidden on the Catawba College campus. The distribution of a controlled substance for which a student has a prescription from a physician is also a violation of this policy. The use or possession of any drug paraphernalia is prohibited.

Drug Distribution Policy

Students who actively promote, supply, or sell legal/illegal drugs thereby engage in behavior that may infringe in the rights of others, endanger the well-being or safety of others, or result in psychological or physical injury to others. They will, therefore, be subject to the full range of the College disciplinary action as defined in this Resource Guide, including permanent expulsion. The local police may be summoned by a member of the College who encounters the possession, use distribution or sale of a drug by a student on the campus.



In accordance and compliance with the requirements of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of l989 (Public Law 101-226), effective October 1, 1990, the following behavior is prohibited: the unlawful possession, use or distribution of drugs by students and employees on College property or as part of any College activity.

Performance-Enhancing Drugs

The use of performance-enhancing drugs (e.g. anabolic steroids, amphetamines, etc.) by athletes in an attempt to gain a possible athletic advantage is a threat to their health and undermines the spirit of sportsmanship. Such drug use also threatens the health of others because of the pressure it may put on them to experiment with dangerous substances.

The Catawba Department of Athletics states emphatically that the use of such drugs will not be tolerated, and that anyone using them will not be permitted to represent the College in intercollegiate athletic competition. When an athlete is found to be using such drugs, that individual may be referred to the Office of the Dean of Students.

Controlled Substances

The unlawful distribution, possession or use of controlled substances on property owned or controlled by the College, or as part of any College activity, or off campus when the interests of the College are involved, is strictly prohibited. Controlled substances include, but are not limited to, substances that are prescribed by a physician that are being distributed to others even though the distributor may have a prescription from a physician for that particular controlled substance. Health Services must be notified of any medications taken on a daily basis. Students are required to complete this information on the health history form and to notify Health Services of any additions or changes that may occur.

The Abuse of Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drugs

Individuals should follow the instructions of the prescribing physician in using prescription and/or over- the- counter drugs. Abuse of such drugs can result in serious physical and mental disability. Please note, abuse includes use by person other than whom the prescription is for.

College Drug Regulations

The use, possession, distribution or sale of any illegal drug or controlled substance for which the student does not possess a prescription from a physician is strictly forbidden on the Catawba College campus. The distribution of a controlled substance for which a student has a prescription from a physician is also a violation of this policy. The use or possession of any drug paraphernalia is prohibited.


Drug Violation Sanctions

  1. Drugs (Catawba College Responses to Drug Code Offenses) *refer to pages 40 & 41 for additional definitions*
    • Possesses/uses an illicit drug or
    • Manufactures, sells, delivers or possesses with the intent to manufacture, sells or delivers, any substance identified as a controlled substance by No r t h Carolina General Statutes, Chapter 90, Article 5 (North Carolina Controlled Substances Act), or similar provisions of federal law.
    • Possesses/uses drug
    • Drivers while impaired attributable to the use of
    • Is visibly overcome- exhibits behavior including but not limited to loss of bodily control of consciousness, requires physical or medical assistance, or otherwise is unable to care for themselves due in part or in whole to the consumption of alcohol or other drugs.
    • Consumes, including huffing and/or sniffing, any substances not intended for such




Possession/Use Drugs (1a.)

Sells/Intends/ Manufactures (1b.)

Paraphernalia (1c.)

Driving While Impaired (1d.)

Visibly Overcome (1e.) Consumes)


First Offense Notification to Parents

Community Service hours possible

$100 Fine

Disciplinary Probation

Online educational component

10-20 hrs. Substance counseling/$50 fee

Suspension or Expulsion

Substance Assessment (prior to return)

Disciplinary Probation

Online Educational Component

$50 fee

Disciplinary Probation

Online Educational Component

$50 fee

Disciplinary Probation

Online Educational Component

$50 fee

Second Offense Notification to Parents

Community Service hours possible

$150 Fine

Disciplinary Probation for two (2) years

20 -40 hrs. substance Counseling/$100 fee

Drug Screening

Suspension or Expulsion


Substance Assessment (prior to return)


Substance Assessment (prior to return)


Substance Assessment (prior to return)

Third Offense


Notification to Parents

Immediate Suspension w/out the option of conduct board hearing

Suspension or Expulsion w/out the option of conduct board hearing

Suspension w/out the option of conduct board hearing

Substance Assessment (prior to return)

Suspension w/out the option of conduct board hearing

Substance Assessment

Suspension w/out the option of conduct board hearing

Substance Assessment (prior to return)


Positive drug test results in athletics will be referred to judicial action in addition to sanctions imposed by Catawba Athletics or the NCAA. The Conduct Office will dictate sanctions depending on the number of drug violations committed.

**In regards to all alcohol and drug violations that would result, by the College’s sanction schedule, in suspension, the Dean of Students or his or her designee will have the ability to review and revise the final outcome based on the situation.