Success Coaching
Catawba College Success Coaches are professionals who support students in their academic, personal, and career success.

Through regular one-on-one meetings, your coach will assist you in exploring your unique processing styles and ingrained habits/beliefs, as well as creating actionable steps to meet your goals.
The coaching relationship is established based on leveraging your strengths to meet your academic needs. Together, you and your success coach create an individualized success plan that involves short term and long term goal setting.
your partners in your journey. This is your journey, you are the leader in the process and you make the decisions.
help to guide you by giving helpful feedback. They will challenge you and hold you accountable for things you want to work on. They will listen to you and ask powerful questions. Coaches will provide you with encouragement and support.
honesty in order to build a healthy coaching relationship. Coaches need permission to have enterprising conversations. Coaches need a commitment to the process and to the results you wish to achieve.
Contact Us to Get Started!
Daryl BrunerDirector of Training and Professional Development / Title IX Coordinator / Adjunct Professor of Psychology
Kira HarwoodStudent Success Coach
Eric KiddStudent Success Coach
Josh ReffeyAssistant Director of Student Retention, Persistence, & Academic Success
Cierra ShortStudent Success Coach