BBA: Entrepreneurship Courses
BUSINESS CORE (required of all majors)
ACC 1901
Principles of Accounting I
A study of the accounting principles with emphasis on the use and analysis of financial information for decision-making purposes.
ACC 1902
Principles of Accounting II
A continuation of the study of accounting principles from a user's perspective with an introduction to the internal information needs of management. Prerequisite: ACC 1901.
ECON 1901
Principles of Economics I
A study in the foundations of economic analysis, national income accounting, economic growth, and the public sector, with emphasis on macroeconomics
ECON 1902
Principles of Microeconomics
A study of markets, the price systems and allocation of resources, distribution of income, international economy, and perspectives on economic change, with emphasis on microeconomics.
FIN 2535
Managerial Finance
A study of financial management for business firms to include financing and investing decisions. Prerequisite: ACC 1901.
CIS 2501
Fndtn Info Sys for Org
Students learn fundamental concepts and uses of information systems for business and beyond including management information systems, programming, cloud computing, mobile technologies, digital marketing, big data and ethical issues.
MATH 1132
Introduction to Statistics
An introduction to elementary statistics, including topics such as normal distribution, histograms, mean, standard deviations, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing techniques. Prerequisite: On the basis of placement scores, a student may be requi
MGT 2453
Business Law I
An introduction to the legal system as it applies to commercial transactions and a study of the substantive law of contracts.
MGT 2501
Principles of Management
An examination of major concepts, theories and practices in business management, with emphasis on planning, decision-making, basic organizational structures, motivation and leadership styles.
MGT 2566
Business Ethics
MGT 3990
Strategic Management
An integrative capstone course examining the setting of strategic objectives, developing corporate strategies, and translating objectives and strategies into current operational plans. Prerequisites: MKT 2501, FIN 2535 and MGT 2501 Senior Standing
MKT 2501
Principles of Marketing
A study of the marketing environment; marketing, planning, and information; market segmentation; buyer behavior; strategies for product distribution, promotion, and pricing; societal issues, service, nonprofit and international marketing.
Entrepreneurship Concentration
ENT 2501
Intro to Entrepreneurship
A study in the foundations of entrepreneurship that can be applied to an individual venture, partnership, small business, or (as in intrapreneurship) a large organization. This course will develop the key elements around creating a business including idea generation, market analysis, business plan development, financing, learning and building an organization.
ENT 3510
Creativity and Innovation
This is a course designed to challenge the student's creative and innovative abilities. This course explores methods and practices drawn from the arts, sciences, and social sciences that are used by innovative and creative individuals to develop initiatives and solve complex managerial or organizational problems.