Do I need tickets for Commencement?
All guests must have a ticket with a scannable QR code to enter Keppel Auditorium. Children above the age of 2 are required to have a ticket. Each guest ticket contains a unique QR code. Guests can either print the ticket or display the ticket via a smart device to be scanned at an entrance gate. Doors will open one hour before each ceremony start time. Guests without tickets will NOT be admitted into Keppel Auditorium.
How do I sign‐in to request and claim my guest tickets?
You will sign‐in to our ticketing site using your Catawba email address and your student ID number as your ticket user ID and password. If this is your first login you will be prompted to change your password. For log in assistance, please contact 704.637.4410 or email
How many tickets am I able to reserve for commencement?
Each student may reserve four(4) guest tickets for their ceremony, one(1) of which may be an accessibility ticket for a guest with limited mobility. Accessibility tickets holders with one companion may enter Keppel Auditorium through the Accessibility entry off the Brady Courtyard fifteen minutes before the doors open.
How do I access my guest e-tickets?
After reserving your tickets, confirm and/or download your e-tickets by clicking the “Send All Mobile Tickets” link on your order screen. You can access your e-tickets at any time from the “Orders” link under your name at the top right of the ticketing home screen.
How do I print my guest tickets?
After reserving your tickets, confirm and/or download your PDF e-tickets by clicking the “Download All PDF E-Tickets” link on your order screen. You can access your e-tickets at any time from your orders link under your name at the top right of the ticketing home screen.
Is there a deadline for requesting guest tickets?
Yes. If you do not reserve commencement tickets by April 17th, you will not be guaranteed the allotted four tickets.
What if I need more than the four allotted guest tickets?
The deadline for requesting commencement guest tickets is Monday, April 17th. If any tickets remain after this deadline, there will be ticket lottery beginning on April 20 where each student may reserve up to an additional two tickets. If all tickets are reserved, then no additional tickets will be available after this deadline.
Can I return unneeded tickets?
Yes. Click the red “Return Ticket” button to the right of the ticket(s) you wish to return.
Can I donate unneeded tickets to help my classmates?
Yes. On the right side of the Checkout screen, you will find a check box to donate your unused tickets to the lottery pool. If you check the box any remaining tickets will be donated to the ticket pool. Once donated, you will not be able to retrieve these tickets.
I’m a graduate. Do I need to reserve a ticket for myself?
No. The only people that require a e-tickets are your guests. If they do not have a ticket, they will not be permitted to enter Keppel Auditorium.