MarComm Requests
Important - Please Read These Guidelines Carefully
The Marketing & Communication Department (MarComm) is responsible for maintaining a consistent editorial and graphic identity in all official Catawba College publications and communications.
The Project Request form is intended for the production of official Catawba publications, electronic communications, stationery and external communication for faculty, staff, administration and official student projects. It is not intended for individual or personal use. For more information, please contact the MarComm Department at 704.637.4393. If necessary, you can view our Branding Guidelines.
Publications and Online Services
We produce hundreds of publications on campus each year, ranging from bookmarks and postcards to the College brochures and the Catawba College magazine. Our office is also responsible for creating and administrating the majority of electronic communications, including the College's public websites, e-mails, social media accounts, news releases, multimedia and video, as well as providing branding and content assistance to various departments on campus for third-party software.
Notice of Required Lead Time
We prefer requests 6-8 weeks prior to the desired completion date. The creative team (including writers, designer, photographer, videographer) requires 4-6 weeks for every project. This timing does not include printing and mailing. Allow 7-10 business days for printing.
Planning your requests well in advance will ensure achieving the best possible result in the shortest amount of time.
By submitting a Project Request, you acknowledge this notice and accept responsibility for deadlines not met due to late or last-minute request submissions.
Client Project Checklist
- Contact Person: Each job should have ONE CONTACT PERSON responsible for gathering and funneling all information and is responsible for signing off on proofs. By submitting your project request to the MarComm Department, you acknowledge that you have have proofed, corrected, and approved your project to be produced.
- Content: Incomplete copy, late copy and/or missing information can delay your project's projected delivery date — try to have copy as close to complete as possible. Proof and approve it BEFORE it comes to the designer.
- Format: Provide copy in an electronic format. Word document is best, if possible.
- Content Assistance: Files sometimes need a lot of clean-up, which takes extra time. Please let us know in advance if you need help writing your copy.
- We can help with images! We have a large and growing database of beautiful Catawba photos that can be used for many different publications. Sometimes, though, new images have to be shot. We can arrange a photographer, but if the shot includes students and/or faculty, it may be your responsibility to make those arrangements.
- Please provide as HIGH RESOLUTION IMAGES as possible. A good rule of thumb is by looking at the file size. High resolution images are usually 1 megabyte (Mb) or greater.
- By submitting your photos, you give Catawba College permission to use them for nonprofit College marketing. Whenever possible please include all the information you know about the photos, including subject, people, context, etc.
- Layout and Paper: We will be happy to advise on format, style, and paper.
Although we proofread most documents, YOU are responsible for accuracy. Review your proofs carefully. Be sure to fact check all information (including dates, indicia information, spelling of names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses).
It is YOUR responsibility to:
- Check for factual accuracy (pay special attention to headlines, subheads, and photo captions)
- Verify the proper spelling of all names, titles, and middle initials
- Double check dates, facts and figures
- Make sure the correct contact information and web URLs are included
- Check spelling
- Double check that all copy has been proofread against original copy or changes marked on the previous proof
- Read all articles word for word for continuity
- Make sure if possible more than one person checks the final proof in order to avoid project delays, requested changes and corrections to copy and artwork by all approving parties should be submitted when returning the initial proof. Continual changes to approved artwork are timely and inhibit us from meeting approved deadlines.
Projects over $2,000 Require Purchase Orders
If your project exceeds $2,000 you must turn in a Purchase Requisition for a purchase order, which must be handled by YOU and/or YOUR department.
Now that we've covered the basics, let's get started! We are happy to assist you with your project!