Catawba College's spring semester Experiential Learning Class shared their internship experiences and learnings and how it will impact their future careers during a presentation session held on campus on May 4.
These students interned in roles within marketing, human resources, accounting, manager trainee, sales, and volunteer coordinator. Some of the organizations represented included Lutheran Services Carolina, Palmers Promotions, City of Salisbury, Young Life, Case Farms, Power Curbers, Appleseed, Lee Street, Rufty Holmes, Rowan Helping Ministries, NSMA, Piedmont Candies, and Hollister.
These students demonstrated detailed knowledge and understanding of the organizations they interned for, critical thinking and the ability to assess learnings and apply them to their future, and were able to determine potential career paths based on knowledge gained. Some will return to their internship sites with full time jobs after graduation and all were grateful for the life experience.