Student Scheduler FAQs

Fall 2024 Schedule FAQs

Who wrote my schedule?  What information did they use? 

Your schedule was written by a dean or department chair trained in advising—indeed, the schedulers have over 100 years scheduling experience at Catawba.  They cover all academic areas—sport and health science, natural science, humanities, education, and social science, performing arts, business, and student academic success.  Our schedulers carefully balance your background, requests, co-curricular activities, as well as College and major requirements and “best practices” for first year students. Moreover, they keep focused on the long-term, considering what classes students should have in the first-year so that you can complete your degrees in four years.  

I have only 12 hours on my schedule—and no English course.  Is that OK? 

Some of our students will write a placement sample so that we can match you perfectly with the right English class to help you succeed.   Usually your sample is requested during Summer Orientation.

My first year seminar isn’t my first choice…. 

Students could provide choices for First Year Seminar (FYS) until we closed that portion of the Academic Interest Survey to make sure all new students had a FYS class.  When you submitted your four choices they just appeared to us as four options, not ranked.  We did that on purpose so you could experience one of many possible seminars that you might enjoy.  Not to worry!  All our FYS classes are the same class, with different topics and different professors—they are all good!  You can’t go wrong. 

Please note that FYS sections, unlike other classes, are not changed. 

What about my AP, dual enrollment, and other credit courses? 

 AP credits are submitted to our Registrar in July.  If you have AP for a class in which you are enrolled, we can fix that in August.  However, if you completed your Academic Interest Survey accurately, we should already know what those are and we will have avoided those classes.

If you didn’t complete your academic interest survey in the Admissions portal we made best choices based on information we did have for you, and can mitigate anything that needs adjusting in August.

If you have dual enrollment or community college credit, be sure to make sure that credits are sent to the Catawba College registrar’s office.  When you submitted your Academic Interest Survey you were requested to list those classes were so we could avoid scheduling you into them. 

I would like to see my schedule!

Of course!  This is a good time to get accustomed to using the My Catawba Portal for academics.  Go to the My Catawba Portal and select your “academics” tab.  Then, using the drop down, navigate to Schedule (Detailed).  From there you will see your schedule if it is written.  If you are a brand-new student who just deposited, be sure to complete your Academic Interest Survey so that we can work on getting you scheduled as soon as possible.  If this document can’t answer your schedule question, you can write to  If you use that email address please be sure to have a subject line and when you get a response, please do be sure to acknowledge the response.  And, we can write to only you, not your parents (yes, it’s true!).  Using your own Catawba email address is your best bet.

My schedule isn’t exactly like I want it. 

An exactly perfect schedule is unlikely but one that includes classes that you would like, classes that you need to have for a potential major, classes that are necessary in general education to prepare you, and especially those classes that are required in the first year (i.e., an English)….those are part of the first semester experience.  We asked for your preferences for not only the first semester, but also to help us schedule your second semester as well.  If you didn’t provide options for, say, social sciences or arts then we scheduled according to class openings and schedule balance.  You may just find that you have the ideal schedule, after all, to progress toward general education and toward a degree.  Additionally, we pay attention to whether you are a fall sport athlete to make sure that you are done by 3:15 pm at the latest on each day to ensure you get to practice, unless you are a science, nursing, or exercise science major who must have a late lab in the first semester. 

I would like to change my schedule. 

You can discuss changes with your academic advisor in August Welcome Weekend.  You may find, after Welcome Weekend, that you are in the best classes to begin a four-year trajectory toward graduation.  You will meet with department members in the area in which you plan to study, as well as your first year seminar professor (who is your advisor).  Chances are good, though, that your schedule includes the necessary classes for you to lay a groundwork for success and to help you work toward general education and a major.  What must be changed is the first priority, though; after that preferences may be honored.  Remember, however, that your first year seminar doesn’t change. 

I tried calling…. 

This time of year few faculty are in their offices because they are on break—and, our buildings are being renovated and often if we are working we are at home.  Please use email instead.  The Catawba website has a directory but, also, I am sure that you have already received communication from your advisor.  Check your inbox.

When do I hear from my advisor? 

You will hear from your advisor during late spring and over the summer.  Generally, advisors send their first email in May.

Questions, questions, questions….about orientation and first-year and CatLink and financial aid and moving in….

Please go the orientation website for so many of your questions: Keep this one bookmarked — it is a treasure trove of information! 

Haven’t had your question about your schedule answered? 

Send an email to and use the subject line “schedule question.”