Mandatory Reporting Guide for Catawba College Employees: Sexual Misconduct, Discrimination and Harassment
When violations of the Catawba College (the “College”) Sexual Harassment Policy and/or Title IX Policy are alleged, the College considers most employees, whether faculty, staff, or student, to be Mandatory Reporters, except those designated as confidential resources. When an employee becomes aware of a possible instance of sexual assault, stalking, dating or domestic violence, sexual harassment, or gender discrimination, the employee must immediately report the incident to the College Title IX Coordinator. The following guidance is designed to assist employees should another member of the College community approach them about an incident of sexual misconduct, discrimination, and/or harassment.
If you believe or anticipate someone is about to disclose a reportable incident, you should, if at all possible, advise the person of your reporting obligation by saying something similar to:
“Before you continue, I need to tell you that I am considered a Mandatory Reporter, which means that I have an obligation to inform the College when I become aware of sexual misconduct or harassment. If you don’t want details of what occurred reported to the College at this time, there are confidential members of campus that do not have to report to administration and I can help you get in touch with one of those people. If you still want to talk to me about what happened, I am here to listen and I will only report what you tell me.”
If the person proceeds or you do not have an opportunity to discuss your reporting obligation before the individual discloses reportable information:
- Listen and provide non-judgmental support.
- Determine if immediate safety concerns exist. Contact Campus Security or Salisbury Police Department, if needed. For emergencies, call 911.
- Inform the person of their reporting options, including reporting to the College and/or law enforcement. Never discourage anyone from reporting to you, the College, or law enforcement.
- Direct the person to both on and off campus resources, including confidential resources. Provide contact numbers for the resources listed below. If you are comfortable doing so, offer to accompany the person to Counseling Services in Student Affairs, the Health Center, and/or the Chaplain’s Office.
- Explain your reporting obligations. Let the person know someone from the Title IX office will be reaching out to them with information about options and resources. It is up to the person whether to meet with administration about the incident.
- Promptly contact the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Title IX Coordinator to report the incident. When you report, you will be required to provide all details disclosed to you about the incident.
It is best to report any instance, known or suspected, of sexual misconduct, harassment, or discrimination revealed to you. You do not need to determine whether the College’s policies apply and/or the conduct constitutes a policy violation. The Title IX Coordinator will evaluate every report.
Share contact numbers from the following list as needed. You can also refer students to the College Policies RegardingSexual Violence, Stalking, Domestic and Dating Violence, Bullying and Bias Incidents webpage or employees to the Title IX webpage at for additional information and resources.
To report to the College, contact:
- Meredith Cole, Deputy Title IX Coordinator - 704.637.4116;
- Public Safety - 704.637.4000;;
Online reporting forms:
- Posted on the Public Safety and Title IX webpages (may submit with identifying information or anonymously)
- Posted in Title IX Feedback page (requires a return e-mail address)
To report to law enforcement, contact:
- Salisbury Police Department - 704.638.5333
- For emergencies or immediate safety concerns, call 911.
For confidential reporting, contact:
Student Counseling Services: 704.645.4500;
- Brooke Magee - 704.645.4887;
- Rachel Scott - 704.645.4522;
- Lauren Stephenson - 704.637.4207;
- Brianna Randall - 704.645.4818;
Health Center: 704.637.4404
- Allison Wilson - 704.645.4884;
Athletic Training Staff
- Brandon Auton, Head Trainer - 704.637.4267;
- Nora Simmers - 704-637-4350;
- Brianne Morith - 704.637.4198;
Chaplain’s Office: 704.637.4466
- Campus Ministry -
- Rev. Kendra Joyner-Miller - 704.637.4446;
Off-Campus Resources:
- Family Crisis Council (local, 24-hr hotline) - 704.636.4718;
- NC Coalition Against Sexual Assault - 919.871.1015;
- National Sexual Assault Hotline - 800.656.4673;