- Graduate council members will meet regularly to discuss and pre-approve changes in graduate program curriculum.
- All faculty seeking a change in any graduate course must submit the proposal to the committee chair by the Thursday before for consideration at the proceeding Tuesday committee meeting.
- For changes greater than 1-4 courses, changes must be submitted at least 1 week prior to the regularly scheduled Tuesday committee meeting.
- Faculty members who submitted the change will be notified by the day following the committee meeting of the status of their request. The status could be one of the following: still pending for further discussion among committee members, needs adjustments/clarification, declined, or approved.
- During this academic year, the Graduate Council will intentionally address and understand several aspects of the graduate program, including, but not limited to:
- Recruitment and admissions
- Marketing, including how Catawba College Graduate School can be more competitive
- Graduate assistantships and the language surrounding these positions at Catawba College
- Policies regarding graduate courses for current faculty
- The graduate committee will invite graduate program directors to provide feedback on several aspects of the information gathered.
From the proposed Graduate Committee Operating Guidelines:
- The committee has the responsibility to approve and forward all revisions to existing graduate programs and new graduate courses and programs to the full faculty for final approval.
- The committee is responsible for maintaining the Graduate Catalog. All changes to the catalog must be approved by the full faculty.
- Current standing undergraduate committees shall oversee all other aspects of graduate programs that parallel similar and comparable responsibilities relative to undergraduate programs and coursework.