How can I see my student's grades?
The best way is to ask your student. This helps the student take responsibility and demonstrates mutual respect. Information about grades and academic standing are given directly to the student, and cannot be shared by the college with parents unless the student has signed a waiver allowing the college to do so. More information may be found in the Parent Handbook.
My student had an IEP/504 Plan in high school, how do I get that plan in place for classes at Catawba College?
College is the time when students begin advocating for themselves. You can help by giving your student a copy of their most recent Psycho-Educational Evaluation. These reports are usually several pages in length and include the testing results used to determine your student’s diagnosis. While IEP/504 may be helpful, they are not enough for meeting the ADA guidelines required for accommodations in college. You student should contact the Office of Academic AccessAbility as soon as possible to schedule a meeting.
What happens if my student gets sick and is not able to go to class?
If your student is sick, they should visit the campus Health Center. In college, we do not make a distinction between excused and unexcused absences. An absence for any reason, including for athletic or academic travel, is treated the same. Our faculty are always willing to work with students who miss class due to illness or college related travel provided the student is pro-active and communicates with their professor. It is the expectation of the college that the student be responsible for keeping their professors informed.
What resources are available for helping students decide upon a major?
When deciding on a major, Success Coaches help students make decisions using data from career skills testing through our Focus 2 assessments. These assessments help students identify work interests, skills, values, and leisure interests to give them a list of best-fit majors and occupations specifically tailored for them. Studies show that once students are in a major they are excited about; their academic success follows. Students receive counseling for their career preparation so they can highlight the eight core competencies employers’ rate as being the most important.